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Расширьте мощь энергии Рейки и ощутите еще больше света и блаженства с этим продвинутым уровнем личных возможностей!

Свадхиштхана Чакра ~ 2-й уровень сознания


Svā = Самость

Adhishthāna = место, место жительства, основание



  • How to apply the Reiki symbols directly with the body’s energy centres to expand life force energy, boost and balance the immune system including the instructions on how to protect your energy from negative interference: electrical devices and thought programs and patterns of other people.

  • Learn a distant Reiki sending formular to assist others over any distanse.


  • Learn 3 powerful and simple techniques using the distant Reiki formula:

    • 1st Technique dissolves past programs and negative patterns along the life timeline at a cellular level.

    • 2nd Technique integrates the great Universal Law of Attraction assisting your flow of prosperity consciousness and manifesting your desired dreams personal and professional.

    • 3rd Technique incorporates Reiki and Sacred Geometry to easily remove stress, emotional baggage and programs and assist you manifest your desires.


  • Two very powerful and effective healing treatments for yourself and to share with your loved ones.


  • How to receive an hour’s worth of the Reiki energy in just 15 minutes and increase and expand it further. It is highly beneficial if you live a busy lifestyle.


  • The Reiki Degree 2 permanent alignment.


  • Three of the original Reiki symbols and instructions in their use and their application.


  • Reiki skills and manifesting techniques to invent your perfect life.

  • Reiki Degree 2 gives you the ability to become a qualified Reiki Practitioner.


  • The Reiki Degree 2 Manual and Certificate on completion of your course.


  • Reiki Degree 2 greatly expands the power of your Reiki energy making your treatments even more effective bringing greater health and well-being into your life. A much deeper healing energy of the Reiki 2 to energy create calm, inner peace to fill you with more light.


  • The ability to to use the skills to heal at a deeper emotional level.


  • Reiki Degree 2 is a brief introduction to an expansive menu of valuable techniques to empower your life  and be inspired by the joy of life and all it’s many blessings and opportunities. 


  • 9.30 am - 6pm, includes a light lunch & breaks.


  • $ 650


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Мы признаем аборигенов и коренных жителей островов Торресова пролива традиционными хранителями Австралии. Мы признаем их постоянную связь с землей, водами и культурой. Мы отдаем дань уважения их старейшинам в прошлом, настоящем и будущем.

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